Candidates selected for national representation

Find out how you can get a derived grade if you are selected for a national team

To be eligible for a derived grade the registered National Body must confirm the candidate has been selected to represent their country in a nationally selected team.

Invitational teams and teams chosen by an application process or competition do not meet the criteria for national selection.

Competition winners are only eligible if they are subsequently selected by the registered National Body in a nationally selected team.

Get NZQA to approve it first

Pre-approval is required. Applications cannot be approved after the event has taken place.

Applications for national representation require NZQA pre-approval and will confirm for the candidate:

  • that the activity meets the national selection eligibility criteria
  • the dates within which the candidate is eligible for a derived grade.

Pre-approval application for a derived grade for students selected for National Representation [DOCX, 93 KB]

Apply as soon as possible

Where an event clashes with NZQA examinations, candidates should apply for pre-approval as soon as participation is confirmed.

This enables the candidate to know the outcome of their application and inform them of the impact of their participation in the event.

NZQA will allow for reasonable travelling time to and from the event and the dates of the event. 

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