Action items for Principal's Nominee by calendar month

A guide to the actions that a Principal's nominee might need to take for each month

The actions by month on this page are provided as a guide to the role of Principal's nominee, but each school may have its own administrative arrangements. 

Important dates to note

Key dates calendar and SAC timeline

You should refer to the calendar of key dates and the Special Assessment Conditions (SAC) timeline for specific dates. NZQA publishes these each year.

Key dates

Special assessment conditions timeline

File submissions

A file submission is due by the first day of the month starting from April.

Data submission to NZQA

Moderation submission

Moderation plans are available by the end of February.

The material submitted for moderation needs to be from the current year and should be submitted once the assessment process is completed (when internal moderation has been completed and results given to students for that standard).

Material should be submitted by 20 October, contact your School Relationship Manager if a standard will not be ready for submission by that date.

Further details are available on the External moderation for schools and kura page.

Actions by month

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